
The Broken Hook

We all know that after the long winter of not being used your reels will need cleaned and need to have new line put on them. In my case this is something I delay unless I’m starting the season with a tournament because I would obviously want to be ready for that. So last weekend when we had decent weather here and figuring the water was probably in the mid 40’s and the fish would be moving up I grabbed my rod and ran to the lake.

Just fishing off the bank at my parents house I know from experience there should be a few fish hanging around this time of year. Surprisingly I had no issues casting with the old line still on my reel. After moving around the bank a little I finally felt some weight on my jerkbait. Initially I wasn’t sure if I had a fish on the line or a nice stick. Finally it didn’t feel like dead weight anymore. As I got it closer to the bank I began to think about how I was going to land the fish. I am use to fishing from a boat so being on land messes with my head and fishing ability.

I don’t want to sound like Mike Iaconelli or anything but it was a giant! Okay maybe a two and a half pound smallmouth but you know what the first fish of the year feels like, it’s a giant. As I get it closer to the bank and got ready to swing it up over the rocks, snap! It was gone in a flash. I had noticed it only had the rear treble of my jerkbait in it’s mount so I tried to get more hooks in it but it didn’t work. Once my lure shot out of it’s mouth I launched it back into the water. A few cast last later I hooked a leaf and as I was pulling it off I noticed what had happened. The rear treble had broke.

In all my time fishing I can’t remember any of my hooks ever breaking while trying to land a fish. I guess it is a good lesson to prepare and check my gear before the season starts so I am actually ready to fish when the time is right. Remember how I said I’m a boat fisherman and not used to fishing from shore? After going back to the house and replacing my hooks I snagged a bush as I was casting and got one of the worlds worst backlashes. I thought about trying to pick it out but the line needs replaced anyways so I just stuck it back in the garage and grabbed another rod. Keep fishing. – Michael